Technical description
RES-C spectroheliograph assembly
- FeXXV full Sun Bragg crystal spectroheliograph ( l = 1.85 - 1.87 Å).
Angular resolution 1'/pix, spectral resolution 1,5·10-4Å.
- two MgXII full Sun Bragg crystal spectroheliographs ( l = 8.418 - 8.423 Å) with orthogonal dispersion planes.
FOV 1.3°, angular resolution 4.1"/pix, spectral resolution 3·10-3 Å.
- two XUV diffraction grating slitless spectroheliographs, each gives full Sun spectral images in two
selectable spectral bands 177 - 207Å and 285 - 335Å. Angular resolution 6"x1'/pix,
spectral resolution 3·10-2 Å/pix.
Additional info on the device at LPI site