Project data
CORONAS project is aimed at obtaining large amount of data
on the physical processes occuring at the Sun and its environement
in the broadest possible range of electro-magnetic spectrum.
Data Aqcuisition and Preprocessing
Data aquisition onboard the CORONAS-F spacecrafts is performed by both legacy sevice telemetry system (RTS)
and newer one, SSNI, designed and assembled by CKIT specialists
from IZMIRAN. RTS system was actively used in
CORONAS-I mission but is practically not used any more because of its low
data rate capabilities and outdated system support.
The amount of telemetry received from the CORONAS-F devices varies from 80 to 150 MBytes
of packed data daily. The collected data is transmitted back to Earth and recordered at the
Satellite Ground Station in Neustrelitz (Germany).
The obtained data is then automatically downloaded to IZMIRAN FTP server,
preprocessed and
temporarily stored for Project experiments' PIs to download them for further detailed processing.
The original raw data is also transferred to CKIT for archival on CD-ROM disks.
Data Access and Usage Policy
Project PIs have access to the CORONAS section of the IZMIRAN FTP server
where the preprocessed raw data is stored as well as some other relevant data (orbital information, etc.). The
data on the FTP server is removed after 3-4 weeks to free space on the hard disk for fresh data.
Requests for the data that is already removed from the FTP server should be directed to
CORONAS operator
This site provides access to the local archive of processed CORONAS data.
Researchers interested in obtaining access to processed CORONAS data and/or cooperative research
may also contact project PIs directly: