X-Ray Spectrometer
Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UK
Naval Research Lab. Washington D.C. , USA
Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Troitsk, Russia.
Principal Investigators:
J. Sylwester
Scientific goals
Basic scientific goal of the RESIK experiment is
high-resolution Solar X-ray studies in spectrum lines of highly ionized atoms
Ar, Mg, Si, S, Ca, Fe, K, Ni and in continuum.
Specific issues of the investigation are
- Determination of absolute and relative coronal abundance of elements with atomic numbers Z = 13-30.
- Studies of variability of the coronal composition, investigations of possible solar cycle effects.
- Investigation of ionization state of solar high temperature plasma component.
- Verification of atomic theory for ionization balance calculations.
- Investigation of possible local non-Maxwellian velocity distribution of electrons.
- Investigations of the spectrum shape close to ionization limits of individual ions and
relative intensities of higher members of H- and He- like resonance line series.
Technical parameters
The experiment is based on the X-ray spectrometer with bent crystals working in the following spectrum
bands: 1.123 - 1.293 Å 1.274 - 1.442 Å, 1.436 - 1.630 Å, 1.653 - 2.029 Å, 2.154 - 2.445 Å, 2.480 - 3.043 Å, 3.369 - 3.879 Å, 3.821 - 4.326 Å, 4.960 - 6.086 Å.
Contact address
More detailed information, data access policy and cooperation opportunities can be obtained at this location:
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