Solar Neutron and Gamma Ray Spectrometer
Nuclear Physics Institute (Moscow State University)
Institute of Experimental Physics ( Slovak Acad. Sci., Kosice )
Principal Investigators:
Dr. S.N.Kuznetsov
Scientific goals
Spectrometer SONG measures X-ray and gamma spectra and fluxes of protons and electrons.
Technical parameters
The SONG spectrometer provides records of the X-ray and gamma spectra in the energy range
0.03-100 MeV, detailed spectra of gamma lines in the range of 0.3-20 MeV, neutrons with the energies of
>20 MeV, and cosmic ray fluxes >70 MeV protons and >50 MeV electrons.
Contact address
More detailed information, data access policy and cooperation opportunities can be obtained at this location: